High Quality Floor Coatings for Garages

Whenever you decide to refurbish your garage, choose only high-quality floor coatings because they don’t just transform the floor and make it look attractive but also increase the floor strength. Advanatge Garage Doors located in Calgary offers its customers polyurea and polyaspartic floor coatings, which are their patented products and are a very good alternative to the traditional coatings. You’ll not find other products quite like them in the market. 

Polyurea and polyaspartic floor coatings

Polyurea is an elastomer that provides protection from abrasion and corrosion. It is created as a result of the polymerization reaction of an isocayanate and a synthetic resin. Polyaspartic resembles polyurea. It has been used as a coating material because of its corrosion-resistant properties. Installation of both of these coatings is easy because of their fast cure rate.

Why use products?

These products are highly resistant to corrosion and UV rays. They will not tarnish in the sun. These coatings can withstand temperatures as high as 141 F and as low as -30 F. So, you can install them any time of the year without worrying about the weather. You’ll also not have to worry about scratches, hot tires, gasoline, grease, and other chemicals spilling and ruining the floor. Their cleaning and maintenance are very easy. These coatings will provide good traction to your floor, which will prove useful in wet seasons.

Design options

You can be very imaginative and create some unique designs as Zone Garage offers their floor coatings in multiple colors, stains, styles, sealers, and granites. Be it stained concrete, acid stained concrete, polished or even colored concrete, you can use these coatings on them as a sealer. The end result will be aesthetically pleasing, with a very clear finish that is also easy to clean.

from Advantage Garage Doors https://advantagegd.blogspot.com/2020/12/high-quality-floor-coatings-for-garages.html
via Advantage Garage Doors

Repairing Your Garage Door Opener


Electric garage door openers have largely eased the lives of homeowners. You do not need to get out of the car and open your garage door whenever you come back home. With electric garage door opener, it is just a matter of pressing a button, and the door opens for you. Get in and park your car!

However, your garage door opener might run into a problem. That’s when you need to find the cause and get ahead with the potential solution. Sometimes, you can handle it yourself, while at other times, it needs professional assistance.



Reasons for Garage Door Opener Malfunctioning

There can be different reasons for garage door opener malfunctioning. Sometimes, even thundering and lightning can cause damage to significant electrical components. In such cases, it requires changing your main board.

Most of the garage door openers come with plastic gears. Being manufactured of a less durable material, these plastic gears are highly prone to damage. In this case, you need to replace the gears to ensure proper functioning.

It is important to take note that garage door opener repair does not mean fixing damaged parts but replacing them. It needs some significant amount of time and dedicated effort to open up the unit and replace the faulty parts. 


How to Buy the Right Opener?

Now that you have figured out that your garage door opener needs replacement, you must be looking around to buy a new opener. Here are a few factors to consider making sure you end up with the right garage door opener:

Look for the Safety Features

Safety comes first. That’s a phrase you come across really often. If you live with your family, you need to ensure their safety. Garage door openers come with a variety of safety features, such as a reversal mechanism. If a reversal mechanism garage door comes in contact with something while closing, it automatically reverses back.

Study Different Types of Openers

Garage door openers come in different types, including chain drive, belt drive, screw drive and jack-shaft opener. Look into each to pick the most suitable one. 

Find a Quite Door Opener

Some garage door openers make a lot of noise during operation. If your bedroom is located right above your garage, it can be very disturbing. You definitely do not want to wake up your family or neighbors when you leave early in the morning or come back home late at night!

4 Types of Garage Door Openers

Garage door repair is the best time to pick the garage door opener. Even if you previously had a chain drive opener, you could move to a screw drive opener this time as the whole unit has to be replaced.

Let’s look into what each type of garage door openers has to offer:

1.      Chain Drive garage doorOpener

Chain drive openers are generally the preferable choice. They are quite durable and the least pricey of all types. However, they are a bit noisy!

2.      Belt Drive garage door Opener

Belt drive openers operate over rubber belts and so, offer a noiseless working. The reduced vibration also assists in lowering the noise.

3.      Screw Drive garage door Opener

Screw drive openers make the best option for people living in extremely lower climates. They prevent iced-over chains and other weather-related problems, especially jamming.

4.      Jack-Shaft garage door Opener

Homeowners with tall garage ceilings usually go for a jack-shaft opener as they are mounted on the side wall. Also, they deliver noiseless functioning.

So, what are you waiting for? If your garage door opener has run into an issue, buy the right garage door opener, and call garage door repair professionals for a quick replacement! 

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Whether it’s being stuck inside when you need to leave for work, or realizing that your door doesn’t close, leaving your valuables exposed. Our team of expert technicians is available 24/7 to solve all of your garage door issues, whether it’s a routine inspection or an emergency service! We strive to provide prompt, professional same-day service. When it comes to your home and security, you shouldn’t settle for anything less than excellence. 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roofer near me”, “2020 Best In Calgary Calgary Overhead Door Ltd”, “2020 Best In Calgary Garage Door Cable Replacement”, “2020 Best In Calgary Garage Doors Springs repair”, “2020 Best In Calgary Garage Door Remote”, “2020 Best In Calgary Garage Door Repair Nw”, “2020 Best In Calgary Garage Door Repair Sw”, “2020 Best In Calgary Garage Door Technician”, “2020 Best In Calgary best roofer near me”, “2020 Best In Calgary commercial roofer near me”, “2020 Best In Calgary Garage Doors Prices”, “2020 Best In Calgary Garage Door repair Prices”, “2020 Best In Calgary garage door repair costs”, “2020 Best In Calgary Garage Doors fix Prices”, “2020 Best In Calgary Overhead Door Repair “], “hasOfferCatalog”: { “@type”: “OfferCatalog”, “name”: “Garage Door Repair”, “@id”: “https://advantagegd.com/”, “additionalType”: “http://www.productontology.org/doc/Garage_door”, “url”: “https://advantagegd.com/”, “itemListElement”: [ { “@type”: “Offer”, “itemOffered”: [ { “@type”: “Service”, “name”: “Garage Door Spring Repair Calgary “, “@id”: “https://advantagegd.com/garage-door-spring-repair/”, “url”: “https://advantagegd.com/garage-door-spring-repair/”, “provider”:{“@id”:”kg:/g/11h___1pcp”}, “brand”:{“@id”:”kg:/g/11h___1pcp”}, “areaServed”:{“@id”:”#servicearea”}, “serviceType”:”Garage Door Spring Repair Calgary”, “description”: “Garage door springs ​Garage door springs are one of the most important components of your garage door, and are often overlooked until a major problem strikes. Springs that are appropriately sized and installed are crucial to having a well balanced overhead door. That, in turn, is essential to lengthening your garage door opener’s lifespan. also see Garage door cables Repair CalgaryA garage door may have visible springs, in which case a break will be easy to spot, or hidden springs inside the shaft, in which case a technician can identify the break and replace the entire system with a more practical visible torsion spring system.At Advantage Garage Doors, we only install oil-tempered garage door springs of the highest quality, in accordance with industry safety standards, to ensure proper function and promote longevity of your garage door system.As garage door torsion springs are under extremely high tension, any damage to them represents a great deal of danger to you and your loved ones. Never attempt to repair or replace a damaged garage door spring by yourself, as this can result in very serious injury.​ Call us for professional garage door repair in Calgary​” }, { “@type”: “Service”, “name”: “Garage Door Cable Repair”, “@id”: “https://advantagegd.com/garage-door-cable-repair/”, “url”: “https://advantagegd.com/garage-door-cable-repair/”, “provider”:{“@id”:”kg:/g/11h___1pcp”}, “brand”:{“@id”:”kg:/g/11h___1pcp”}, “areaServed”:{“@id”:”#servicearea”}, “serviceType”:”Garage door cables Repair Calgary”, “description”: “Garage door cables Repair Calgary Garage door cables run from the bracket at the bottom of either side of your garage door to a notch on the cable drums, on the garage door shaft. The cables themselves, aided by the garage door torsion springs, help hoist your garage door open and closed. If you suspect your garage door cables are damaged or broken, which usually presents as a prominently tilted door or the cables themselves being off the drums, rusted and/or frayed, please give us a call for garage door repair Calgary of this problem as promptly as possible and prevent further damage! ” }, { “@type”: “Service”, “name”: “Garage Door Opener repair”, “@id”: “https://advantagegd.com/garage-door-opener-repair/”, “url”: “https://advantagegd.com/garage-door-opener-repair/”, “provider”:{“@id”:”kg:/g/11h___1pcp”}, “brand”:{“@id”:”kg:/g/11h___1pcp”}, “areaServed”:{“@id”:”#servicearea”}, “serviceType”:”Garage Door Opener repair”, “description”: “Garage door opener Calgary Your garage door repair services is without the shadow of a doubt one of the most vital components of your entire garage door system. At Advantage Garage Doors, we can not only help repair your faulty opener, we can also help you select the one most appropriate for your household. see also garage door maintenance Calgary A garage door opener contains a great variety of parts, and as such if you suspect that your opener isn’t operating as smoothly as it should, do not try to fix it yourself. It is easy to cause more damage, leading to an unnecessarily expensive garage door repair calgary or even a replacement. Our garage door technicians are trained to detect problems with all parts of a garage opener, and repair those if it is deemed to be cost-effective for you, the client. In certain situations, replacing the faulty opener with a new one is the more sensible and affordable choice. If you suspect your garage door opener isn’t working properly, don’t hesitate to give us a call – we will send an experienced technician to you as promptly as possible to prevent further damage of your garage door and its components.” }, { “@type”: “Service”, “name”: “garage door maintenance”, “@id”: “https://advantagegd.com/garage-door-maintenance/”, “url”: “https://advantagegd.com/garage-door-maintenance/”, “provider”:{“@id”:”kg:/g/11h___1pcp”}, “brand”:{“@id”:”kg:/g/11h___1pcp”}, “areaServed”:{“@id”:”#servicearea”}, “serviceType”:”garage door maintenance”, “description”: “The importance of regular garage door maintenance Calgary Like any other mechanical component of your household, a garage door needs regular maintenance to keep on functioning properly. At Advantage Garage Doors, we cannot stress the importance of preventative maintenance enough, and its key role in ensuring your garage door and all of its components live up to their full potential. Whether you decide to perform maintenance tasks yourself, or prefer to contact one of our technicians – garage door repair in Calgary AB is paramount in maximizing your door’s longevity.” }, { “@type”: “Service”, “name”: “garage door weather seal”, “@id”: “https://advantagegd.com/garage-door-weather-seal/”, “url”: “https://advantagegd.com/garage-door-weather-seal/”, “provider”:{“@id”:”kg:/g/11h___1pcp”}, “brand”:{“@id”:”kg:/g/11h___1pcp”}, “areaServed”:{“@id”:”#servicearea”}, “serviceType”: “garage door weather seal”, “description”: “Protection against harsh Canadian weather Living in Alberta, with its harsh winters and extended periods of below-freezing weather and winds, we know all too well our home has to be properly insulated. However, many forget to protect a crucial part of the home from the elements : the garage! Don’t let Cold air coming in from the broken garage door stripping cause you to lose heat from the garage. Let us come solve any garage door weather seal issues. Maintaining your garage door seal Calgary is a crucial part of preparing for winter, ensuring the heat stays in, the wind stays out, and the heating bill stays down. Garage door weather seal is available in a wide variety of colours and materials, ensuring your door finds its match. We are local garage door repair company , that is family run and experts in our field. ” } ] } ] } }] }

from Advantage Garage Doors https://advantagegd.blogspot.com/2020/11/repairing-your-garage-door-opener.html
via Advantage Garage Doors

Repairing Your Garage Door Cables


If you ever looked into the components of your garage door, cables make the most significant one. For homeowners with traditional garage doors, cables can turn out to be an issue from time to time. Garage door cables require maintenance, and if you live in a humid climate, you might have to replace your garage door cables every few years.


see Advantage garage doors for Cable repair  https://advantagegd.com/garage-door-cable-repair/

What are Torsion Spring Cables?

Garage door cables are of two types: Torsion spring and extension spring. Here, we are going to dedicate our focus towards torsion spring garage door cables.

So, torsion spring cables usually come to attach in the middle of the door and run on both sides of the door. These are attached to the bottom hinges. It helps open and close the door easily.

They work on the energy storing mechanism. When you lower the door, the coils store the energy. When you open the door, they spend energy.

When Does Torsion Spring Cable Needs Repair?

Most commonly, rust is the main cause of faulty or snappy cables. The hinges at the bottom to where the cables are attached catch rust. So, either the hinge breaks or the cable snaps. That’s when you need to repair your garage door cables.

It is important to take immediate action because the whole door might simply get off the tracks when the cable snaps. It can cause huge damage to your garage, vehicles or any person standing nearby.

If your cable hasn’t yet snapped, but you see the signs of wear, you should get a replacement to prevent any unfortunate incident.

How to Repair Torsion Spring Cables?

Now, repairing torsion spring garage door cables isn’t an easy task, especially if your garage door came off. It requires dissembling the damaged door, installing new cables, and fix it back in position.

Even if the door is still intact, it takes a considerable amount of time and effort to replace the cables. Also, know that you need to hire professionals to take care of the job. They know best how to create a safe working environment and prevent any extensive loss.




It is best to inspect your garage door cables every three to four months. If you see any signs of rust or accumulated moisture, you should get an anti-corrosive substance to treat the hinges. It ensures the safety and keeps your garage door cables in good working condition for longer.

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from Advantage Garage Doors https://advantagegd.blogspot.com/2020/11/repairing-your-garage-door-cables.html
via Advantage Garage Doors

garage door installation Calgary



Calgary Professional garage door installation Calgary ​At Advantage Garage Doors, we cannot stress the importance of professional garage door installation enough. Garage doors and their components are heavy and can undoubtedly present a safety risk to you or your family if improperly installed. Our technicians are experts in the field, with extensive knowledge regarding all parts of your garage door and the experience to install each component as safely and efficiently as possible. ​If a garage door or any of its components is installed improperly, it can significantly shorten its lifespan, setting you up for extensive and expensive repairs down the road. We believe in a job done perfectly the first time around, and as such warranty all of our garage door installations at no additional cost to you! Proper installation by a professional is critical to the safety and function of your garage door and its critical mechanical components. See Our Garage Door spring repair Calgary page ​We offer prompt and professional installation of standard and custom garage doors, in the residential and commercial setting as well high quality Calgary garage door repairs 



from Advantage Garage Doors https://advantagegd.blogspot.com/2020/11/garage-door-installation-calgary.html
via Advantage Garage Doors

Garage Door Repair FAQ

I heard a loud, sudden noise coming from my garage!

If you heard a loud, sudden ‘‘bang’’ coming from your garage, one or both of your garage door springs are likely broken. A door with a broken spring will be unusually heavy and impossible to lift manually.

Garage door springs 

My garage door is tilted or crooked!

If your garage door is tilted at an angle, one of your cables has in all likelihood fallen off the drum or tore. A variety of situations could be the underlying cause to this common technical issue.

Garage door cables
My garage door won’t close and keeps starting back up!

If your door starts closing but cannot do so successfully, your safety sensors might be at fault. This could be an easy repair you could perform yourself by ensuring the sensors are aligned with each other, displaying a solid light, and no item stands in their way. However, keep in mind that there are other causes to this common problem!
My garage door is only partially opening!

If your garage door starts opening but cannot do so fully, your garage door opener might be at fault. This technical issues has many potential causes and as such requires inspection.

Garage door openers
My garage door opener is working, but my garage door won’t open!

If you can hear your garage door opener working, and your door is not coming up, make sure your door is engaged to your motor ( isn’t in manual mode). This issue can also be caused by a problematic gear – a problem that requires inspection.

Garage door openers
My garage door is noisy!

If your garage door is particularly noisy, it might be time to lubricate your hinges and rollers (we recommend 3-in-1 Professional Garage Door Lube, available at Canadian Tire). If this does not solve the problem, it might be time for a professional inspection and maintenance.

Garage door maintenance 

 Advantage Garage Doors
6 Citadel Vista Green NW
Calgary, AB T3G 4W7
(403) 888-3911


from Advantage Garage Doors https://advantagegd.blogspot.com/2020/11/garage-door-repair-faq.html
via Advantage Garage Doors

Garage door repair


Garage Door Repair In Airdrie

Whether you need a garage door repair or installation, at Advantage Garage Doors, we have you covered! We provide professional garage door repair Airdrie and its surroundings, as promptly and efficiently as possible. Whether a routine maintenance, an emergency garage door repair, or the installation of a beautiful new garage doors , our garage doors technicians are up to the challenge and ready to make your garage door repair woes a thing of the past! Advantage Garage Doors is your Airdrie garage door repair go-to!

We provide same day and emergency garage door repair service in all of Airdrie and its surroundings, as well as garage door installation services. Whether morning, noon, or night, we are available to make your garage door issues a thing of the past – providing professional service with you, the client, in mind! Our garage door technicians constantly strive for a job perfectly done, never leaving a site before ensuring their work has been completed at the highest possible level! Also see our Banff Garage Door Repair

If you suspect your garage door or any of its components are faulty, please don’t hesitate to call us at 403-888-3911 or send us a message using the form below at any time!

from Advantage Garage Doors https://advantagegd.blogspot.com/2020/11/garage-door-repair.html
via Advantage Garage Doors

How to Winterize Your Calgary Garage for the Winter Season

As the calgary winter season starts to hit, you’ll likely want to stay cozy and comfortable in your Calgary home. But it just so happens that this time of year makes certain parts of our unbearable to live in, and the garage is one of them.

So why not take some time this season to winterize your garage properly ? You’ll not only have all that extra space to yourself, but you also be able to store things throughout the season without the fear of getting them damaged.

Double-Check Your Weatherstripping

The tiniest of gaps and crevices are enough to allow the passage of cold winds into your garage and your home. That’s not a pleasant feeling. Especially when you’re smack dab in the middle of winter. That’s why you always want to check to see if you rweatherstripping is in place.

What’s weatherstripping, you ask? Well, simply put, it’s the material that goes under your garage door. It helps create that necessary seal between your garage door and the floor. This keeps the cold outside and the warmth inside.

But unfortunately, Calgary garage door weather stripping isn’t meant to be indestructible. After a time, it can wear down, get brittle, or just refuse to stay in place. That’s why you’ll need to inspect your weather stripping and replace it if necessary properly.

Luckily, this is easily done with the help of a professional. Someone like a handyman can easily have your weatherstripping replace and have your garage warm again.Like Advantage garage doors Calgary
Insulate, Insulate, Insulate

One of the only proper ways to get rid of the cold is through insulation. You do it when you put on a thick sweater or pour coffee into a thermos. So, it only makes sense to give that same treatment to your garage.

There are different types of insulation you could go for depending on your requirements. You could do with anything from a little spray foam to full-sized batts of foam for your insulation. It all hinges on the size of your garage and what you plan on using it for.

It always pays off to contact a professional that has knowledge of proper insulation. It’ll be worth it in the long run for energy savings on space heating. Especially if you plan to use your garage as your own little personal workshop from time to time.

Upgrade Your Garage’s Door

There’s usually very little you can do in terms of renovations for your Calgary AB garage. Anything short of tearing down the walls and rebuilding them is always limited in its scope. But there usually one thing you can very easily change about your garage. And it’s usually staring right at you. That’s right, it’s the door!

You’ll be surprised at how many people don’t think about changing their Calgary garage door since they buy their house. It’s understandable, too. Not many eyes fall on the garage door at first glance. That’s why it never gets a second thought and stay the same for decades on end.

But there are many benefits to upgrading your old garage door. And only of them has to with their looks. Many modern garage doors have layers of insulation built into them. That’s always good to keep the cold out.

If you have an old garage door Calgary with cracks, tears, or simply a 1 ply sheet of metal, it might be time to change things up. It’ll save you from the cold, add some curb appeal, and even look nice doing it.

If you’re thinking of keeping your garage warm and toasty this winter, then consider implementing these tips with the help of a professional. It’ll make your garage that much more likable.


from Advantage Garage Doors https://advantagegd.blogspot.com/2020/11/how-to-winterize-your-calgary-garage.html
via Advantage Garage Doors